Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Relationships...and God!

The question that has been pondered this week, "Why does God put us in different relationships?" There must be a purpose for that. But it was an open discussion and our 7 opinions were accounted for. We heard a lot of different thoughts that sounded really good but again...only opinions. Who knows why God puts certain people, certain relationships, certain friendships in our lives. I think one reason is so we can learn from eachother. There are things that others may lack and you can perhaps get from that relationship. Our personal experiences are just that, personal. They obviously didn't happen to everyone. If it was your mistake then the next person doesn't have to make the same one. Or who knows, there are also things that your friends may be that you DON'T want. I knew someone who is completely selfish. Now seriously, who wants to be that?

Relationships can be a very tricky thing but they don't have to be. All the friends that I have in my life are teaching me something. Very valuable things. But it's unfortunate when friendships fall apart. I don't like when that happens. I try to avoid that at all cost and with the exception of one friend, I've succeeded throughout my life. They are the foundation of our lives. How do you think you find your identity? Of course your family starts the process but your friends are where you find the diversity. They'll help to shape who you'll become.

Life is way too short and I think that I've been writing that in my blog for the past couple of posts because of things like all the cancer pop-ups. I even have a very close friend who lives here who's going into surgery...a very routine and (I'm pretty sure) low risk surgery but the recovery time will keep her out of work for about 4-6 weeks.

But the sad truth is as friends we do make mistakes. This weekend I felt really bad because I've been so wrapped up this week in my busy life that I haven't called her since I've found out. She had to go out of her way (and through her pain) to call me at work to talk to me. I won't do that again.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that relationships are crucial and for me it's my friends since my family is so far. I love my friends and all they are to me. I've learned a lot through my time at home and here...my new home. God put different relationships in our paths for a reason. We can't forget that. They are not mistakes because we all know that God doesn't make mistakes. He has a plan for everything and nothing is left to chance.

...me HEART you...

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